Back Pain

  • sports-injury

Ways to Recover from Injuries Faster

Ways to Recover from Injuries Faster An untimely injury can devastate your health and wellness goals, making it harder to be active and forcing you to deal with pain. It takes time to recover from injuries, but if you want to know how to heal faster, there are some helpful avenues to consider. The

Ways to Recover from Injuries Faster

An untimely injury can devastate your health and wellness goals, making it harder to be active and forcing you to deal with pain. It takes time to recover from injuries, but if you want to know how to heal faster, there are some helpful avenues to consider. The benefits of physical therapy and chiropractic

Why Don’t My Usual Stretches Help My Back Pain?

Like most health conditions, low back pain is a chronic problem. Patients with low back pain typically suffer off and on for years. Back pain seems to come on when we overexert or do something out of the ordinary, such as moving boxes or when returning to a sport we have not tried since our

9 Ways to improve your quality of sleep

9 Ways to improve your quality of sleep This month, we will look at ways to improve your sleep quality, which in return, will reduce your LBP. There are many ways we can improve our sleep quality. Here are some of them: Turn off the lights: Complete darkness (or as close to it as possible)

Low Back Pain and Pregnancy

Did you know that 50-72% of women have low back pain (LBP) and/or pelvic pain during their pregnancy but only 32% do something about it? Let’s look closer! Pregnancy-related low back pain (PLBP) can be a highly debilitating syndrome that accounts for the most common cause of sick leave for pregnant women. In 2004, Americans

Who Gets Low Back Pain?

WHO GETS LOW BACK PAIN? Low back pain (LBP) occurs all over the world. Between 2004 and 2008, an estimated 2.06 million EPISODES of LBP occurred in the United States (US) alone! Each year, LBP accounts for 3.15% of all emergency visits with 65% of LB injuries occurring at home. According to estimates, two-thirds of